Nel luglio 1915, ad esempio, il vali di Ankara si oppose allo sterminio indiscriminato di giovani e vecchi, venendo rimosso e sostituito da un funzionario pi? zelante, tale Gevdet, che nell?bestate/b del ?15 a Siirt fece massacrare oltre ...
We had other meetings with Abdul Kerim el Halil and Sheik Abdul Hamid Zehravi in the bHotel/b Kroecker in Pera, and thoroughly discussed the above subjects. These reforms were subsequently carried out in toto after they had received the b....../b Two foreign Inspectors will be put in charge of the provinces to be formed in Eastern Anatolia : Monsieur A. will have the vilayets of Erzerum, Trebizond, and Sivas, and Monsieur B. the vilayets of Van, Bitlis, bKharput/b, and Diarbekir. b.../b